Fall is flying by, but we’ve had the opportunity to work on many exciting University publication projects this season. Check out these covers and features illustrated by Rapp artists, centered around topics including recent scientific breakthroughs, changes in the education world, and the impact of AI on everything.
Dan Page for FIU Business Now Magazine
AD: Ivan Rodriguez-Tellaheche
Traci Daberko for William & Mary University
AD: Michael Bartolotta
Tatjana Junker for Seattle University Magazine
AD: Terry Lundmark
Kotryna Zukauskaite for Johns Hopkins University Arts&Sciences
AD: Kathryn Vitarelli
Eglé Plytnikaite for Wake Forest Magazine – 50 Years of Studying Abroad in Venice
AD: Hayes Henderson
Nadia Radic for Wakeforest Magazine – Letters of a Holocaust Story
AD: Hayes Henderson
Kathleen Fu for Georgetown Business
AD: 2Communiqué
Dana Smith for NC State Magazine
AD: Victoria Cumbee
Robert Neubecker for Marquette Lawyer – An Assessment of Democracy in the Criminal Justice System
AD: Kristin Pelisek