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Going to School

Many of our artists have gone “back to school” at some of the country’s finest institutions of higher learning. Their homework has been doing plum assignments for university, college, and prep school publications. The subjects vary from broad (analyzing the country’s healthcare system) to celebrating specific achievements on campus. And the styles range from graphic novel to info-graphic. Below you’ll see a sampling of some of the best work over the past few months.


University of Texas, Alcade Magazine: Dan Page

Cover and three interior illustrations for an article on our nation’s health care system.













Vanderbilt University, Peabody Reflector: Stephanie Dalton Cowan

Cover illustration for the Fall/Winter 2014 issue celebrating 100 years of innovation, advocacy, and outreach.




The Exeter Bulletin: James O’Brien

Cover illustration for the Winter 2015 issue.





NYU Physician Magazine, “Dangerous Rhythm:” James Steinberg

Cover illustration for an interior article about arrhythmia in children.






Commonwealth Magazine, “Fixing Schools:” James Steinberg

James’ illustration accompanies an article about getting struggling schools back on track with new educational methods.


Fixing SchoolsFinal2


Occidental College, “The Fight Over Oxy Petroleum:” Yao Xiao

A student-led campaign to divest the College of fossil-fuel investments raises questions about institutional priorities and practices.




Carnegie Mellon University, Engineering News: Hank Osuna

Cover and interior illustrations for Engineering News article “Engineering a Healthier You.”







Northwestern University: Peter and Maria Hoey

Cover illustration for their Spring 2015 issue.


NU magazine cover_Spring 2015 FINAL


William & Mary: Traci Daberko

Full page interpretive map of the US.


W&M Map 2(5)(1)