Led by our editorial agent Jodie Hein, our collaborations with universities continue to develop and grow. The following illustrators deliver exciting, new work for a new season to universities across the country. Check out the work of Gwen Keraval, Nigel Buchanan, John Dykes, Shaw Nielsen, Sean McCabe, Gordon Studer, and Andrea Cobb.
Gwen Keraval created interior and cover art for Texas Woman’s University
As well as Monmouth University’s Magazine cover and interior.
Nigel Buchanan illustrates the feature Sisters in Song for The Penn Stater Magazine.
John Dykes illustrates a Springtime cover and interior piece for Lehigh University College Of Arts And Sciences.
Sean McCabe composed this compilation for Minnesota Alumni Magazine, recognizing 50 years of women in sports.
Gordon Studer created a cover for Marquette’s College of Education.
Shaw Nielsen illustrates a feature about climate change for Portland State University.
Andrea Cobb collaborated with Hayes Henderson to create this Spring sensation, representing the Inauguration of a new President for Wake Forest Magazine.