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2023 Illustration Trends: It’s All in the Details

As we look toward a new year, the agents at Rapp Art have made their predictions for illustration trends that will be at the forefront in 2023.

It’s All in the Details

A stylistic trend that has been taking off as of late is something that RappArt agent Jodie Hein describes as the “Where’s Waldo” style: dense, winding illustrations jam-packed with details that you could definitely spend some time studying. “It’s a fun, eye catching, and effective style for infographics, maps, editorial stories and marketing materials”, says Jodie. While they are busy images, the compositions are thoughtful, often containing roads or paths to guide your eyes through the illustration.

Kathleen Fu
Gwen Keraval
Jakob Hinrichs
Phil Wrigglesworth

Up next in 2023 Trends: A Softer Touch